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Paul Ryan Fights to Save Medicare, Lift Debt & Grow Economy - ABC World News
Paul Ryan - Leadership Needed to Save Medicare; Lift Debt Burden; Grow Economy
Paul Ryan Medicare Controversy: What Does It Mean For You?
Paul Ryan: Need to Lift Debt Burden To Get Economy Back on Track
Paul Ryan's reforms save and strengthen Medicare; President's law raids and rations Medicare
Paul Ryan's reforms save and strengthen Medicare; President's law raids and rations Medicare
Paul Ryan: Strengthen Support for Poor, Address Drivers of Health Inflation, Save Medicare
Paul Ryan: Stop the Raid; Repeal Rationing Board; Save Medicare
'Democrats are lying and scaring seniors'
Paul Ryan: Lifting the Debt, Rejecting Decline and Securing America's Leadership
The Honorable Paul Ryan, U.S. Congressman & Chairman of the House Budget Committee, 5/16/11
Paul Ryan: Obama's Empty Promises Becoming Broken Promises